Monthly Archives: April 2015

Sony Xperia Z3 Compact


Got a new phone from my boss last Thursday. My one-year-plus Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini has been problematic for weeks if not months. The GSM radio seems pretty dead now. Cannot make/receive calls and SMS. Must reboot the phone before making/receiving a call or SMS. Co-workers, including my boss have been complaining about not being able to reach me on phone. Initially I was looking for a mid-range phone that is about the same size as my S4 Mini. That proves to be a very difficult task. Nowadays, small size phone (less than 5 inch screen) seems to be reserved for low-end, entry-level phones. Initially, the Samsung A3 could be my choice but the specs is not as good as S4 Mini and the size is noticably bigger than S4 Mini. Then, I found the Sony Xperia Z3 Compact. The specs is great, light and the size is not bigger than S4 Mini. It has a bigger screen but the handset size is not bigger than S4 Mini thanks to narrower bezels. The only problem is the price. It is priced as an almost-high-end phone. This has deter me to get it for a few weeks. I think my boss just cannot stand me anymore, so last Thursday after a meeting in Berjaya Time Square, we went to a Sony Center there and he bought one for me. Thanks boss 🙂


终于我找到了一个舞伴 Adeline。舞跳得很棒,人又漂亮,哈哈 😉  星期四上了第一堂 private class (rumba)。舞步和以前学的差不多,所以一切还好。Adeline 四年没跳 rumba 了,但是只用了一堂课的时间就学会了整支舞,真的很厉害。我要多加努力些才行,比赛时可不能拖累她 🙂

Finally I have a dance partner Adeline.  Not only she is very good in dancing but very pretty too 😛  We had our first private class on Thursday for rumba.  The routine is very similar to what I learnt before so there’s no problem.  Adeline didn’t dance for 4 years already but was able to learn the whole routine in one single class.  Truly amazing!