Monthly Archives: July 2011

Auto format a document using vim

To auto indent the content of a file:


The above command means perform formatting from the 1st to the last line.


is the command to perform formatting,

gg G

says where to start and where to end.


does the same thing as well.

The indentation is performed based on the file type. If the file type is unknown, set it with the following command first:

:set filetype=xml

The above example will set the file type as XML. If you execute the formatting command stated earlier, the content will be formatted as a XML document.

If you have many XML files that needs to be formatted, you may use vim to do it for you.

First, you need to create a simple script, let’s name it format.vim with the following content:

gg=G :wq!

Then you run the following command:

find . -name "*.xml" -exec vim -s format.vim {} \;