Monthly Archives: January 2013

Latin Competitor Training Class

Last Sunday, I signed up and attended my first “Latin Competitor Training Class”. I was told there were 6 persons selected to attend the class and I was one of them. Once a month, I’ll go back my hometown on a weekend, thus, I was hesitated to join the class. In the end, I only decided on the day of the first class. Partly it’s an honour to be selected but mainly because I have been thinking of competing for some time. However, on the day, I met a classmate who also attended the “Latin Competitor Training Class” but she was not shortlisted! Furthermore, the instructor was again without preparation. He taught what came to his mind without proper planning. Lastly, the 90 minutes class was ended 15 minutes earlier. RM450 for two months is not cheap and I felt somewhat cheated… My comment may be too harsh, let’s see how it turns out after 2 months.

上个星期日,我报名并上了第一堂“Latin Competitor Training Class”。学院说共有六人被选中参与,我是其中一个。由于每个月的其中一个周末是我回笨珍的日子,我有些犹豫。直到第一堂课当天才下决定参加。主要原因是觉得能被选中、付出有被肯定而觉得高兴;另外,我早就有参加比赛的念头。如果能和自己喜欢的舞伴一起比赛,真是再棒不过了。可惜,一切并不如想象中的理想。当天到了学院,见到了同班的另一名同学!她也是来参加“Latin Competitor Training Class”的,可是她的名字并没有在被选中的名单上啊!更糟糕的是,指导老师又是没有事先准备,想到什么教什么。这样的课程,肯定是事倍功半的。最后,一个小时半的课,只上了约一小时十五分就结束!两个月RM450的学费,觉得不值、更有种被欺骗的感觉… 可能是说得严重了些,上了两个月再评价吧!如果真的不行再退出好了。

My phone’s speaker is back to normal!

My HTC Desire’s speaker is back! This morning, I was woken up by the alarm ring tone from my HTC Desire! Wow! That’s a big surprise! It had still no sound last night. 🙂
